Information on The Right of Withdrawal

ART. 6 of Terms and Condition of Service

With this Information on the Right of Withdrawal, the company MJOB s.r.l. (VAT ID 17266151004), headquartered in Rome, Piazza Buenos Aires, No. 5, represented by its legal representative, email [email protected], pec [email protected], hereinafter referred to as the “Supplier,” intends to provide instructions to its Users – acting as consumers – regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal from service supply contracts on the MyGenMe app (the “App”). 

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I.I. In the context of service, contracts entered into through the App, the right of withdrawal provided for in Article 52 of Legislative Decree No. 206 of 2005 in favor of the consumer User is limited – under Article 59, 1st paragraph, letter a) of Legislative Decree No. 206 of 2005 – to only the services not yet performed.

Indeed, upon the conclusion of the service supply contract and before using the Service, the User is required to:

  1. Consent to the provision of the Service before the expiration of the Withdrawal Period;
  2. Accept to waive the right of withdrawal only for the services already performed.

Therefore, in the event of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the Supplier will retain an amount proportional to what has been provided to the User until the moment they inform the Supplier of their decision to withdraw. In particular, the portion of the cost of the offer related to the actual period of Service use (before the submission of the withdrawal declaration) will be charged.

Confirmation of the User’s prior express consent at the beginning of the contract execution before the expiration of the withdrawal period under the previous point I.I.A), and the User’s acceptance that, in this way, they forfeit the right of withdrawal under the previous point I.I.B), is transmitted to the User via email to the address provided during the creation of the personal account.

I.II. The User who wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal under the previous point I.I. must notify the Supplier of their decision to withdraw through an explicit declaration.

I.III. To this end, the User can alternatively:

  1. Complete the Withdrawal Form available on the App in the section called “Legal and Privacy,” sent to the User with the order confirmation under Article 2.8 of the Terms and Conditions of Service, as well as included at the bottom of this Information on the Right of Withdrawal and in the present Terms and Conditions of Service;
  2.  Draft any other explicit statement of their decision to withdraw from the contract (Withdrawal Declaration).

I.IV. The Withdrawal Form or the Withdrawal Declaration must be sent to the Seller at one of the addresses indicated in Article 17 of the Terms and Conditions of Service and in point II. of this Information on the Right of Withdrawal.

I.V. If using the Withdrawal Form (point I.III.A) or the Withdrawal Declaration (point I.III.B), the User is requested to fill in these documents, including the following information: order number and personal details (name, surname, tax code, residential address).

I.VI. Following the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the User, the Supplier will promptly send the User a confirmation of receipt of the withdrawal declaration via e-mail.

I.VII. Following the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the User, the Supplier will refund to the User any unused remaining credit. In any case, the User will be entitled to the traffic paid and not yet used at the time of sending the withdrawal declaration.

I.VIII. The refund of any unused remaining credit will be made using the same payment method used by the User to activate the Service. Any delays in crediting may depend on the banking institution, the type of credit card, or the payment solution used.

I.IX. Following the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the User, the Supplier will prevent the User from using the Service by Article 56, paragraph 3 series of Legislative Decree No. 206 of 2005 (Consumer Code).

I.X. The application of Article 56, paragraphs 3 quarter and quinquies of Legislative Decree No. 206 of 2005 (Consumer Code) is reserved.

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II.I. Users can transmit any communication (question, request, complaint, etc.) related to the exercise of the right of withdrawal by sending an e-mail to the Seller MJOB s.r.l. (VAT ID 17266151004), at the email address [email protected], or a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the address Piazza Buenos Aires, No. 5, Rome 00198, or a certified email to the certified email address [email protected].



MJOB s.r.l. 

Tax Code (C.F.) and VAT Number (P. Iva): 1726615100 

Piazza Buenos Aires, No. 5, Rome (RM), 

00198 E-mail: [email protected] 

Certified Email (Pec): [email protected].



With this letter, the undersigned Mr./Mrs. ________________________________________ declares the intention to withdraw from the service supply contract for the Service MyGenMe AI, Order Number ____________________________.

Date //___________


ART. 6 dei Termini e Condizioni di Servizio